Double gold at the international wine competition AWC for LUKAS SCHMIDT
Bullenheim, October 2023
The renowned and family-run winery Lukas Schmidt is pleased to announce that it has won double GOLD at this year's AWC Vienna wine challenge.
This award is proof of the consistently excellent quality of Lukas Schmidt's wines, the craftsmanship and the commitment of the entire team.
A total of 11,376 wines from 1,514 winemakers from a total of 42 countries on all 5 continents were submitted.
The AWC Vienna wine tasting, one of the most prestigious wine evaluations in the world, took place at the Federal College and Federal Office of Viticulture in Klosterneuburg, Austria. The tasting consisted of the uninfluenceable anonymous blind tasting system in individual booths and the wines submitted were evaluated according to the international 100 point system. The expert jury was made up of national and international oenologists, wine analysts, sommeliers, restaurateurs, specialist retailers and specialist journalists.
“We are overjoyed about the awards at the AWC wine challenge,” said master winemaker Lukas Schmidt, owner of the winery. “It is an incredible confirmation of our efforts to always create the best wines that reflect the unique character of our region. This success is the result of hard work and the passion that I and my team put into every wine.”
The two award-winning wines, Scheurebe Honey Dew and Riesling First Flight, are characterized by their unique aromas, balanced structure, deep smell and remarkable taste. These awards are another milestone in the success story of LUKAS SCHMIDT wines and underline the value and quality of the wines in the industry.
Lukas Schmidt's customers can continue to look forward to exceptional wines that have received one of the highest awards and recognition. The winery remains dedicated to creating wines of the highest quality and preserving the wine traditions that have been passed down in the family winery for 11 generations.
Contact : LUKAS SCHMIDT Wein GmbH, Bullenheim 157, 97258 Bullenheim, 09339 9899954, wein@lukas-schmidt-wein.de, www.lukas-schmidt-wein.de
Press contact : Denise Evans, LUKAS SCHMIDT Wein GmbH, Bullenheim 157, 97258 Bullenheim, 0151 43253642, de@lukas-schmidt-wein.de, www.lukas-schmidt-wein.de