Press — Lifestyle

LUKAS SCHMIDT Wein wird offizieller Wein-Partner des DSV und der deutschen Ski-Nationalmannschaften - Lukas Schmidt Wein

LUKAS SCHMIDT Wein becomes the official wine partner of the DSV and the German national ski teams

LUKAS SCHMIDT Wein becomes the official wine partner of the DSV and the German national ski teams Bullenheim in October 2023 We are pleased to announce that LUKAS SCHMIDT Wein is now the official wine partner of the German Ski Association (DSV) and the German national ski teams. This exciting partnership combines the world of wine with the fascination of winter sports and underlines the quality leadership of both brands.

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Lukas Schmidt und Lukas Hankofer von Hanki Film präsentieren gemeinsam den Roséwein "Drehschluss" - Lukas Schmidt Wein

Lukas Schmidt and Lukas Hankofer from Hanki Film jointly present the rosé wine “Turning Conclusion”

Lukas Schmidt and Lukas Hankofer from Hanki Film jointly present the rosé wine “Turning Conclusion” Bullenheim, October 2023 The renowned Lukas Schmidt winery has created a unique rosé wine called “Rehschloss” in collaboration with the renowned filmmaker Lukas Hankofer from Hanki Film. This extraordinary partnership between wine art and film art creates a new dimension of enjoyment.

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SELECTION Genussmagazin /// Allzweckwaffe mit Genussfaktor - Lukas Schmidt Wein

SELECTION enjoyment magazine /// All-purpose weapon with enjoyment factor

“Both regions are, in my view, the top white wine regions in the world, closely followed by Franconia,” notes Lukas. Well, not everyone has to completely share this opinion when it comes to Styria and Franconia. But he still has big plans for Franconian wines and visions are just part of the life of an ambitious and talented young winemaker.

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